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The NEES Comprehensive School Counseling Program believes that each student is valuable and has potential to achieve his/her life goals. The school counseling program aims to address each student's developmental needs by focusing on three domains: academic, social-emotional, and career readiness. The school counseling program makes a demonstrated effort to advocate for each student's role in the classroom and the school community as a whole.


We use student, classroom, school, and community data to drive the services that are offered to our students. We strive to implement an evidence-based counseling curriculum. In order to establish the very foundation of any counseling relationship, the program maintains strict adherence to legal and ethical standards to ensure the confidentiality between the counselor and student.


Northeast Elementary School's School Counseling Program envisions a bright future for each student in our school-- a future where the student is socially and mentally well-adjusted with the tools to be successful in whichever career path s/he has endeavored. In this vision, students know how to efficaciously employ the school counseling program's lessons in character traits, coping skills, mindfulness, and citizenship to best benefit themselves and those around them. The NEES school counseling program envisions 100% of its students graduating from our district as college- and career-ready citizens.

Mission Statement

Northeast Elementary School's School Counseling Program's mission is to inspire, educate, and empower students through the delivery of a comprehensive program which includes core curriculum lessons, small group counseling, and other interventions. Our program advocates to provide equity for every student, to close access and achievement gaps, and to promote the success of every student in our community.

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